What should I wear?

The massage techniques include the use of oil or lotion, I recommend that you undress to your underwear for the treatment or to a level you are comfortable with. Shorts can be worn for lower limb treatments.


Please understand during treatment, whilst every care is taken, your underwear or other clothing may come in contact with the oils being used, which may not come out in washing. I do advise you not to wear any special clothing or underwear.

Please note, it is required that underwear is worn throughout all treatments.

During treatment

During your massage treatment you will be asked to undress to your underwear and cover in a large bath towel. The areas being treated will be exposed, whilst covering the rest of the body. 

Before treatment

On your arrival, I will prepare the bed, oils, and music of your choice (if required)

I will move on to consultation before stepping out of the room so you can get undressed in privacy. I will do the same at the end of the treatment to allow you to get up at your own pace and redress.

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